Hello, welcome to my first blog!

I aim to use this blog as a way for you to get to know a little more about me and to follow my journey as an independent photographer living in a new land!

My name is Tilly. I am a 37 year old British photographer living just outside of Madrid. I moved here (nearly 4 years ago!!) from Bristol (UK) where I was living and working as a full time photographer.

I loved Bristol, it is a beautiful vibrant city. One of which I have no doubt I would not have been able to progress as a photographer without my experiences and inspiring network of friends there.

However, I happened to be at a point in my life where I was foot-loose and fancy-free and started to feel the need for change. Everything seemed to coincide with this growing sense of adventure I was feeling myself pulled towards. My long term relationship had ended, my beautiful pet bearded dragon passed away, I had no kids, no mortgage and I could take my camera and portfolio wherever I decided to go! It also happened to be just before the dreaded Brexit...

So to Spain I was called (in part by my sister who is also living in Madrid!).

Photo credit - Jaime


From the moment I arrived I felt at home here. These past few years have really flown by; a strange time of lockdown, meeting new friends (a new relationship) and finding my feet as a photographer here.

One of my biggest worries about moving to Spain was leaving my incredibly supportive and creative network of friends in Bristol... But I quickly realised there was no reason to fear and all over the world there will always be brilliant people encouraging each other to continue learning, exploring and growing! 

Below are just a handful of special people that I have met over the last few years, who have done just that for me!

(Click on their images below and find out more about the marvellous things they are doing).

Raquel - rsbjewelry.


Jaime - J.J.Mali.

Judith - Adataberna.


Music has always played a central role in my life (although I am not a performer myself). It was important for me that I continue to be connected to live music and be able to document these special independent events. So from the moment I moved here I found organisations that enabled me to truly make my home here. Not only have they opened the doors to the city, new music and meeting wonderful new friends, but they have kept my heart full and my photography flourishing.

The Living Room Concerts - sadly no longer, but always with a special place in my heart. A special mention to Nichole who although is no longer organising these events is making incredible beautiful ceramic art (click on image to find out more)

Sofar Sounds - Discover the magic of live music in intimate venues (click on image to find out more)

CasaB - Creative house and community (click on image to find out more)

Thoughts towards the end of 2022...

'Daring greatly' (in the words of the ever inspiring Brené Brown) can be scary and often leave life feeling a little like a balancing act. I still feel I have a long way to go with being able to support myself solely as a photographer here, but without a doubt I know that making the change and moving here was the best thing I could have done! Challenging yourself, doing something new and out of your comfort zone (no matter what that may be for you), will always be a practice.

A practice in sitting with the discomfort of the unknown, a practice in hope and a practice in believing in yourself. The great thing about practice, though, is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes!

Often without even realising, the more we do things that scare us the more that we build resilience, confidence and strength! What was the last thing that you have done that scared you? No matter how big or small it may have been; allow yourself to feel good for trying, for being brave and know that you were growing! 🌱

So, I'll wrap it up here for now! It's getting towards the new year and I will try to write again soon. In the meantime, do check out some of the people and places I have mentioned, for they are great! 💚

Wishing you a warm and snuggly winter wherever you are,

With much love

Tilly xXx